Tag Archives: People

Let’s smile 4 a minute

I have seen some very interesting quotes while on the web and thought to myself that I should share some of the ones that have made me smile even if just for a quick minute. Some of them are touching some are funny and some just make you search your soul. ENJOY! or don’t. But if you don’t. Work on yourself and try to find some inner peace.

Fellas this is man 101. I have said some of these in earlier post. This is what a woman wants, true love not games.


I hope and pray that this is my wifey and I. We are almost 40 and counting. And yes it is so true, you can not give up on love and marriage. It’s hard work and when some times it seems like it is broken, that’s when you have to work extra hard to fix it and not throw it away.


LADIES HOLLA. This is what I am talking about. Get in there and handle your business. Get yours!


Enough said…


Oh shit Fellas you better understand this! Women are looking for real men to act like real men. Hard working, strong, proud, responsible men. Good boy friends, good husbands, good fathers. Not wannabes, abusers, cheats, lazy ass players.


Next is just a collection of silly pic’s






Filed under Current events, Life, Marriage, Parenting, Sexy

STAY away i deserve better!

If you are a punk ass wanna-be man you won’t be able to watch this video in total.

If you are a women you have to see this video for its powerful statement.

If you are a true man you already know you will never put your partner thru this.

You have to watch, listen and feel this entire video! If not then go ahead and leave now to watch some stupid shit like idiot people falling down on some other site.

The reason this video is so amazing is because the artist is so able to convey the deep pain that a women feels when her heart is being ripped apart by a punk ass womanizing bitch of a man. I love it because it shows how strong a woman can be. It shows her at the end of the song how she has grown strong and come to terms that she deserves better. At the beginning she is telling him to stay home with her, not to leave, but by the end she is again telling him to stay – but this time she is saying – STAY with the other women I don’t need you, I deserve better, so go ahead and stay with her.


Filed under Current events, Life, Marriage, Music

Don’t Burn You’re Life-Wear SunScreen

PLAY IT LOUD!  FEEL IT!  UNDERSTAND IT!  BELIEVE IT!  don’t you dare not watch the whole thing…

AMAZING, POIGNANT, A must listen to piece of musical and lyrical genius! Yea, Yea, i know it’s 7 plus minutes long. Go ahead tell me where are you going right now to a wedding, a fire. Stop it you know you have 7 minutes to listen too and read and reflect on these powerful words. ENJOY THE POWER AND BEAUTY OF YOUR YOUTH. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. BUT TRUST ME in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t GRASP now how much POSSIBILITY lay before you! and how FABULOUS YOU REALLY LOOKED. You are not as fat as you imagined. Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, but DON’T PUT UP WITH PEOPLE WHO ARE RECKLESS WITH YOURS! Holly shit batman put that burger down and pay some freaking attention will you!!  BELIEVE IN YOU!  be happy, be successful. Live, love and laugh.


Filed under Current events, Life, Music, Parenting

Because you are a BITCH!

Why do you abuse your wife, girlfriend, husband, boyfriend, partner or child? Oh yea i know, it’s because YOU ARE A BITCH! I am so sick and tired of society offering up excuses for you, like you had a rough childhood, your mommy and daddy didn’t hug you enough or you have a drug or alcohol problem. Bullshit! It’s because you are a punk ass bitch with serious feelings of inadequacy who needs to be treated just like the piece of shit abuser that you are.

Abusive men and women come in all forms. Some abusive men and women only verbally abuse, other abusive men and women only physically abuse. There are abusive men and women who verbally, physically, mentally, sexually and financially abuse their partners. Abusers need to feel in control and because of feelings of inadequacy inside themselves, they abuse their partners to feel powerful and in control. They ensure they gain these feelings of power and control by abusing their partners in any way which works for them.

Domestic Violence does not discriminate against age, race, color, creed, gender or sexual orientation. Women may hesitate to call for help… men are even less likely to ask for help. Society has been taught to think of domestic violence victims as women…. it is time for society to open their eyes!

Abusive men are nice at the start of the relationship but work fast to gain control of you. They will subtly isolate you from your friends and family and lower your self-esteem. Never give up any of your friends or family. Abusive men isolate you from them because it is easier to control you. Abusive men cannot handle others getting attention from you. They feel jealous, insecure and powerless if they do not have every minute of your time. Abusive men cannot handle these feelings. They do not know how to express this in an acceptable manner so they lash out. By hurting you, the abuser will gain control of the situation and feel good about himself. He does not care how you feel or how much he hurts you in order to feel good. Any sign of remorse is because he is afraid you will leave him, not because he feels bad about hurting you.

There are five main abusive relationship signs. These fall into the categories of verbal, physical, mental, sexual and financial.

Abusive men or women will lightly verbally abuse their partners first. They will make out as though they are joking. If you laugh at or overlook any name calling or put downs which come out of their mouths, you are only making them believe that it is ok to call you names. Making fun of your beliefs, habits or attitude is part of mental abuse. You are entitled to your own beliefs regardless if others share them or not. Abusers constantly pick on the littlest things because it is making them feel good about themselves.

Physical abuse is an obvious abusive relationship sign. Physical abuse can come in the form of pushing grabbing, slapping, punching, kicking. Disrespect of your body or your property in any form is how abusers try to control you. Sexual abuse is being forced to have sex against your will. Just because he or she is your boyfriend, husband, girlfriend, wife or partner it does not give them the right to your body if you do not feel responsive. Good men or women do not force their partners to do anything that they do not want to do or make them feel bad for refusing sexual advances.

Some abusers will limit their partner’s access to money. This is financial control. Abusers only give their partners enough money to ensure that they stay close. If they give out too much money then that gives the opportunity for their partner to leave them. So, they limit their partners allowance to ensure they cannot be abandoned.

The abusive relationship signs are easy to spot once you know what you are looking for. Never make excuses the first time you see any of the abusive relationship signs. Making excuses such as they did not mean it or they have been drinking only encourages them to continue and to escalate the abuse because you stayed the first time they showed abusive behaviour. There is no excuse for abusive behaviour and being the victim of abuse is not because you did anything wrong even though abusive men and women would make you believe that. They are the ones with the problem and the only way to deal with an abusive man or women is to not have them in your life. Abusers do not change. They have abused their partner before you and they will abuse the partner after you. SO WAKE UP AND GET OUT OF YOUR ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP. Yes I know it’s easier said then done. And for many reasons it will be the hardest decision of your life to get out, but you deserve respect and to be safe and happy. And understand that the anticipation of an event is always greater than the actual event. YOU WILL MOVE ON AND LIFE WILL BE BETTER!!


Filed under Current events, Life, Marriage, Parenting


Because you come from the hood, you ride or die with your crew, you make it rain, you pop bottles, you have ladies in many zip codes, you push a hot whip? Let me break it down. Any body can knock out any body. That does not make you a man it only makes you bigger, stronger, faster than the other guy. You have a couple of “girl friends” That makes you a womanizer, and abuser, a liar, a phony to the women who think they care about you. You make it “rain”. You “pop bottles” That makes you a financial moron! Spending $350.00 in a club for a $37.00 bottle of vodka . Now let me give you my definition of a man. A man loves and respects his wife/women, loves and protects, educates, and nurtures his children. He does what ever it takes to support his family by educating himself,  seeking to move up and get promotions in his job or working 2,or 3 jobs if he needs to. Not buying that whip if he can not comfortably afford it. A man is the one who has $10.00 left in his pocket and needs to get to work but does not have enough gas in his car, he knows his baby needs milk/diapers so he spends the money on his child and forgets about the gas, Instead he gets up extra early and takes the bus/train to get to work. He does not make excuses for his situation, instead he works to improve it. He embraces his position as the man of the house, does not disrespect his spouse/girlfriend, does not physically or mentally abuse her. Instead he encourages and embraces her and appreciates her contributions to the relationship. This is my definition of a man. So look in the mirror,. Challenge yourself, Believe in yourself and be a MAN……


Filed under Life, Marriage, Parenting, Uncategorized