Another Bitch Ass Man!

Please be prepared, This video is very hard to watch, it involves a vicious whipping of a 16-year-old girl.

Son of a bitch I am so full of rage and anger. I am shaking and nauseous. Once again a bitch of a man who is nothing more than a punk ass predator and abuser takes advantage of a weaker and smaller person who can not defend herself against his mental and physical abuse. Here is a man who is a father only by sperm. No real man, No real father would ever discipline his child with such force let alone abuse them like this. And spare me your attempts to justify his actions by saying shit like, maybe he is not educated or is having a tough life financially or has a drug and alcohol problem or what ever other excuses your feeble pathetic mind can think of. Fuck you if you see this video and you try to justify it in any way. Because this is a well to do JUDGE!  And his name is WILLIAM ADAMS a county court-at-law judge from Texas. Understand that not only is his daughter 16 years old but she also suffers from cerebral palsy and this beating is not because she is pregnant, or a serial killer, or set the house on fire NO, it is because she down loaded music when she was told not to. Holy shit what the fuck is wrong with this world. My first problem is his statement below. How pathetic!

In an interview with a local news affiliate, Judge Adams responded to questions about the video and the claims of his wife and daughter.

“In my mind, I haven’t done anything wrong other than discipline my child after she was caught stealing,’’ he said. “I did lose my temper, but I have since apologized. It looks worse than it is. There is a story. It will come out in due time.’’

My second problem is that people are already justifying it, Attorneys are ready to offer excuses for him and this is not an outrage. The media should crucify him, The justice system should punish him. And also lets not forget the wifes involvement. Although if you dig deep inside yourself you might be able to reason it a little. Go here to see the interview on the Today show.


Filed under Current events, Life, Marriage, Parenting

26 responses to “Another Bitch Ass Man!

  1. The crazy part is…this isn’t shocking to me…but it saddens me deeply. This is what I grew up with and around. I’ve seen worse in real life. AND its bad enough to be whipped and hit but what parents don’t realize is that they are creating emotional wounds that don’t heal like physical ones…these internal wounds grow deeper and larger overtime with each spirit breaking beating and condescending insult to which healing becomes further and further away. A lot of these kids grow up with severe emotional issues, that perpetually ends up impacting their personal relationships with people to which they – themselves don’t even realize or understand – their personal issues may stem from years of abuse. Many parents who beat their children would argue that at least they are creating more respectful, productive and successful members of society, but I’m convinced that they are contributing to the pool of emotionally damaged youth and adults out there. Adults who’ve yet to figure why they have trust issues, or authority figures issues, or relationship issues… I’m feeling compelled to write about this subject matter further on my blog…hmmm… I don’t know if my mother would appreciate it though… We’ll see.

    • Wow we are related! I was born and raised in the south bronx in the 1950’s so I know all about abuse, so this does not shock me either. My saving grace was meeting an incredible woman who would heal me and help me become the man, husband and father that i am now. Yes abuse can cause mental and emotional damage but not irreversible damage. I am proof of that. Also check out my what you think your a man POST!

  2. weird coincidence, i just turned on the tv hearing about this for the first time, and just linked to you from by blog. crazy. there are some f’d up people in this world.

  3. I had to make myself watch this. The most disturbing part to me was how he kept whipping her on her arms, legs and stomach just to get her to roll over to “humanely” whip her on her backside. Then…. he must have waited by the door to see when she got up, because when she finally did, he whipped her some more. I don’t care what his addiction problem was/is or what she did or didn’t do. He disgusts me. By his attitude now, it doesn’t seem like he has changed much.

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  5. I couldn’t watch the video I knew I’d never sleep tonight if I did. Lorna had it right; the question shouldn’t be what did the girl do to deserve the beating. There is NO justification for a man (or woman) to BEAT a 16 year old girl| ever! EVER!

    Oh my heart breaks for that young girl, the scars on the inside are way worse than any physical signs of the abuse.

    Hanging would be too humane for this guy, he needs to be ganged up on and beaten by a couple of huge mean mother F’ers twice his size until he’s begging them to stop. See how big a man he is then. As for the mother…. I have stepped in to protect a child that wasn’t my own child, there is no way I would allow my child to be abused like that, I’d die trying to protect my child. I am so angry!!

  6. It was hard to watch that video. I can’t believe that man could beat his daughter like that, not to mention, the mother participating as well. As a new mom, it made me particularly angry. I hope that guy gets vilified in the press and that he gets punished to the full extent of the law. I can’t even think of a bad enough word to call him.

  7. Wow! I heard about this but this is the first time I am seeing the video. I just feel like crying for her. This is NOT discipline. This is a sadistic bully! You can even discern his bully mentality by his choice of words, “beat you into submission”. That mother is no better. Both of them should be charged with assault, battery and child abuse period!

  8. Well. This actually really, really sobered my morning. I watched it with my arm across my belly and my body gripped tense, and my other hand at my mouth. What I see is a bully, and a pathetic man. I see a man who wanted nothing more than his daughter on her knees before him, and he wanted her over a bed with her bum facing him. This is what he wanted because this is what would give him the most pleasure, causing her pain. The woman is pathetic, and this girl will grow up with a screwed idea of discipline.

    Discipline is in its best form, guidance not violence. This man has not only abused his child but also actually committed an assault and yes, absolutely should be tried for it and punished for it. I couldn’t watch the NBC video because I just could not bear to hear the justifications. He was surely, surely dressed nice and looking good, but I absolutely bet you, if you look at his eyes, you will see the truth of the soul of him. No, I couldn’t bear to watch it, but that’s what I bet.

  9. You and me both Pete, I just watched this video this morning, the full version and I was thoroughly enraged by this assholes behavior. And there was another individual in the room egging it on and feeding into it AND the girl as Axitic (sp?) cerebral palsy as well… I am currently l trying to remove the 7 minute video posted on Youtube from my minds eye. He is a complete bitch… I agree with you. Hadda say something, I saw this post…

    Yup. Pure Bitch this guy… I think, Pete and I should go over there 🙂 …

  10. Yes HOLLYJB i do know what you meant. Oh yes they look very stupid in the moment of complete rage, because they have no coping skills and no MAN in the house to offer guidance.

  11. Although I am a “liberal”, I do support the death penalty ONLY when there is no doubt. Only when a mass murderer is caught on tape….multiple, credible eye witnesses, etc.

    Judge Douche Bag is in Texas. Where they have the death penalty. That being said, I, as a tree hugging liberal, also think anyone that physically abuses a child, should hang. Hang him high.

  12. I couldn’t watch the video either. You’re description was disturbing enough. We continue to ask the wrong question: instead of what did she do to “deserve” the beating, we should ask, “What gives him the right to inflict this kind of pain and suffering on any other person?”

    Until we, as a society ask the second question automatically, we won’t move very far in ending domestic (or any other type of) violence.

    • you are absolutely right.. this situation says more about him than it does about her…

      • Yes you are so right, it says everything about him and nothing about him, he’s not a good man, a good father, a good husband, a good judge, a good role model. NOTHING he’s just a piece of shit abuser full of excuses when there are NONE PERIOD!

    • Hi Lorna. I am glad you did not watch the video. That is why I posted the warning; I posted the video for those out there who still don’t get it. to see how anybody could possibly justify it. And you are so right. It is always, what was she wearing, what did she do, she brought this upon herself, Etc. Etc. Bullshit those are all excuses to try and rationalize what happened. In almost every situation what happened is that a bigger, stronger, domineering person forced or attempted to force his will and insecurities on a presumed weaker person PERIOD! “what gives him the right” I’ll take a shot at answering this. NOTHING! so in my opinion we need to stop asking questions and start taking action. Like I am trying to do. Shine some light on it, talk about it, show outrage, blog about it, expose it because most abuse takes place behind the curtains most abusers are cowards that is why they take out there aggressions on the weaker. Pull back the curtains! Next let’s try to educate our young, lets offer them advise, lets offer them a place to express themselves. HELP ME TO HELP OTHERS. I have to take a break now, my heart is crying.

  13. He has obviously done this more than once since she set up the camera to catch it. His words, “it looks worse than it is” make no sense at all. No it looks just like it was. Too much. Mean. The punishment does not fit the crime.

    • “No it looks just like it was”. THANK YOU! Thats what I am talking about! There was no crime, what it was, was a teenager making a poor decision, what this was. Was a teaching moment as a parent. It is obvious to me what happened. He is a judge and his daughter just pirated some music and he is worried that if some how it is found out, that the publicity of possible illegal activities coming from his home could hurt his professional standing as a judge. And since he is NOT a good father and an abuser, this was the end result. So sad…

  14. I couldn’t bring myself to watch the video after your graphic detailed description. It’s disgusting.

  15. I get wanting to discipline your children. I get wanting them to obey you. But this? No way. Sure, my parents spanked me when I was little. But I was still in diapers (added padding) and they only hit me hard enough to shock me, not to really hurt. I know these days spanking is a big no no. I also know that even in high school I noticed kids my age who had no discipline whatsoever. I’m not saying this is a new phenomenon. But whipping like this is unacceptable. And it just makes the parents look stupid when they can’t even string together a coherent sentence without swearing and they contradict themselves (like when the mother told her to get on her butt, but meant her stomach). And with a belt! He’s not even man enough to use his own hands…not that that would be better at all, I hope you know what I meant. You’re right though, that there’s nothing manly about beating anyone. Especially your daughter.

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